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Each one of us is wondering about the opening of lockdown. We all are eagerly waiting to go out, meet friends, and attend parties, social gatherings et cetera. 

It’s been months right. And we all are experiencing negative thoughts, anxiety, stress, and other health related problems; physical or mental. But how should we tackle such issues?

We are at a point where nobody is sure about when this will get over. The cases are increasing at an unprecedented scale, businesses are going through a tough time, points at stock market are plummeting, and so many other things. After the 2009 depression, this year has proven to be a serious one, affecting economy all around the world.

It’s tough to stay optimistic at this time. But we need to be hopeful of the future and tap on to the opportunities the current situation has to offer, that were earlier lacking or unknown in the market.

With so much negative happening around the world, we must make sure that we stay positive from inside. The chaos inside our mind needs to calm down.

Some Physical Exercise & Mental Well-Being!

Most of us used to hit the gym in the morning or at evening, making sure that we remain physically fit and healthy. But now? Everything has come to a halt! We are missing those sessions, sweating, running on the treadmill, lifting weights, looking into the mirror, pose like a weight lifter or WWE wrestler. And now… we’re stuck at home. Not able to move our bodies.

Hey, but there are several ways where you can actually use your physical energy and at the same time, be productive.


Why not clean our house, cook, do gardening, play with children! It sounds stupid to imagine yourself cleaning the shelves, mopping the floor, folding bed sheets, washing clothes, cutting vegetables, doing dishes. I’m sure nobody have liked this. But it’s actually a great idea to keep yourself busy and move your body. 

Why? Isn’t it a physical exercise? 😒

We’ve been training our bodies not just to show off, but to use it when time comes. Taking care of your surroundings, your house, eating homemade fresh food, helping your mom, wife or partner in cooking, maintaining the cleanliness, washing your own clothes, utensils, etc.

It’s time to tell spiders to leave your house! Dust off those cobwebs. You can do so much.

To stay happier, a community of close friends is always a great idea. Stay in touch with your friends, call them, call your parents, play with your children, and laugh with them. You’ll love it. Also, make sure that you embrace solitude as well. 

Because all it takes is a smile for a healthy mind and body. 😊


  1. It is difficult to take care of us in this time. Nice post 👍


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