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Our mind is full of chaos. We can’t stop ourselves from thinking, thinking, and over-thinking. Physical exhaustion and tiredness is visible and we seek relaxation, and sometimes medications to keep ourselves in good shape. But there’s a taboo status associated with the exhaustion that isn’t physical: the mental health.

Unlike physical exhaustion, the signs of mental fatigue are minimal. These signs aren’t visible to the eyes, but they can only be felt, followed by a series of behavioural pattern associated with it. We’re well acquainted with varies medicines for physical ailment, but for anything psychological and related to mental well-being is neglected by the society. Certain physiological symptoms are associated with psychological and mental disturbance as stress, anxiety, and depression are known to cause detrimental effects on psycho-physiological functions of our body. Early signs of premature aging (like white hairs, wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity and natural oil, weakness, weak bones, and body pain, etc.) are some of the negative impacts of stress on our health.

To deal with it, it is crucial to take care of our mental state. Emotions, mood, and related psychological responses to certain situations like work-related stress, relationships, poor physical health, and poor lifestyle shouldn’t be avoided. It is important to note that a poor mental and physical heath is a major contributor of poor lifespan among millennia. It all ultimately leads to an unhappy and stressful lifestyle.

Changing your lifestyle has proven to yield positive effects to an individual. It is found that people who keep a watch on their eating habits, involve in physical activities, and involve in creative activities live longer and happier. Exercising daily, maybe running or doing some normal chores is as important as eating daily for survival. Body functions well when exposed to a physical activity. As physical and mental health go hand-in-hand, it is advisable to consider the positive effects of both for a stress-free life. Meditation is also important and should be practiced daily along with the physical exercise. It helps in releasing negative thoughts from our mind and creates a positive void inside our brains. Yoga is also recommended by doctors around the world and is even practiced daily in the west. Since yoga aligns our body and mind, it becomes even more important to bring it in our lives. It is this union of the body and mindthat brings peace into our lives.

Yoga and mindfulness


  1. Mental health is very important. We should do yoga and medtitation to feel less depressed.


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